Gibraltar Event Survey – Action Required ASAP


As we prepare for our first event, we need to get information from you.  The event is Thursday 5-10pm (move in, inspection, and set up), Friday 8am -8pm (qualification matches), and Saturday from 8am to approximately 6:30pm (play-offs & awards).  Our team does not leave ( you are not excused) until the awards assembly is over, a team picture is taken on the field, and the equipment is packed and loaded ready for transport.  If you leave early, you will forfeit receiving any medals, pins, patches, etc.  YOU ARE EXPECTED TO STAY WITH THE TEAM UNTIL DISMISSED.

You will need to complete this survey to be excused from classes on Friday. We will be taking attendance by 9am on Friday and submitting it to the school district.  If you are not at the venue and checked in by then, you will not be excused from classes. 

There is no team busing to and from the event. Parents are responsible for transportation of their student to and from the event.  As always, SLCS and South Lyon Robotics do not support students driving themselves to and from events.  STUDENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DRIVE OTHER STUDENTS TO AND FROM EVENTS.  Once you are at the event, you may not come an go; you are required to remain at the event until you leave for the day. Parents will need to sign out their student with coach Weber if leaving before the end of the day.  

Attendance Survey is found in the members only page or in HQ on BaseCamp.

Event Info, Links, & Agenda:
